No Need to Settle for Mediocrity

“Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” …. Mark Twain
Mediocrity, pronounced “me-dee-AH-crih-tee,” has Latin parts that together literally mean “halfway up the mountain.” When climbing the mountain — or ladder — of living a successful life, mediocrity is in the middle, we are neither leading the pack nor sprawling on ground, giving up.
To avoid mediocrity, you must be willing to think outside the box and even take on a mindset that there is no box! Of course, when we do set big goals, they way to achieve them is by taking small actions towards them every day. Most mediocre people are scared to think big and take action. They do what society or their surroundings expect them to and rarely ever pursue things on their own. They also pay too much attention to their inner critic!
Your Choice Point
There are often cases when your inner critic says it can’t be done, or that it is impossible. This is YOUR CHOICE POINT; you can rally against your inner voice or you can follow your old behavior patterns. If you don’t approve of yourself, or your behavior and actions then you’ll probably walk around most of the day with a sort of doom and gloom feeling of not being good enough. If on the other hand, you approve of yourself then you feel free to do the things you really want to do.
Your inner critic always lets you know where there are big obstacles in your personal growth. As a result, you will feel an inner resistance in moving towards what you really want to do. You may have all the right ideas, concepts and attributes to grow into your desired outcome but you are a prisoner to your inner resistance. You can’t get there.
What’s really going on is that you are putting up barriers to your success in your mind and you keep bumping into them and you’re not certain how to navigate these barriers. These barriers are what we call the writing on your wall that tells you what you are capable of. The inner critic might tell you that you aren’t really that kind of person that could accomplish this thing that you’re attempting. The words may sound more like you’re not deserving, not good enough, not smart enough, to young or to old and a host of other things.
This is All Stuff of the Mind
Most of your programming of the mind is NOT TRUE. They are someone else’s ideas and beliefs of what you should and shouldn’t do. This programming was written on your walls between the ages of 0 to 8 by well meaning others who were also programmed back through time. The others, who in most cases, were your early care caregivers, lived and made their choices and set their beliefs under a different set of circumstances. You were told things that related to their generation, whether these were political, social, religious, or related to cultures of that time and the environment they lived it. This is not the environment that you live in today, many of these beliefs are not yours and of course many things have changed since then and yet because they were programmed in your mind you automatically and dutifully allow them to control your life.
Check in with Your Thought Habits
There are times you make some headway in the direction you want to go before you start to sabotage yourself at the first signs of your obstacles. Once again, the critic is trying to keep you in a place that is familiar for you. It feels “normal” to dwell on problems and swim around in a sea of negativity. But this is a thought habit.
You may reflexively and habitually dwell on problems instead of refocusing your mind on something more useful. But you can also make a different choice, you can begin to understand your programming through self discover processes and you can even rewrite the writing on your wall with the beliefs that serve you well in your life in present time. Without the inner critic reiterating the old negative stuff, you can build a new habit of learning to gain more and more control of where you put your focus.
Reality check your beliefs; give yourself approval and allow yourself to be who you want to be.
Stop seeking others approval and stop listening to the inner critic. Know what it is that you believe, know yourself and your patterns, accept and honor yourself and in doing so your direction up the mountain will become clear and it will come from an empowered you.
So many limitations are mostly in our minds. To dissolve the inner barriers or let go of any self-sabotaging tendencies is no easy task and it can take time. The use of Self-discovery and Energy Technology processes such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) will help you erase and replace this old programming and you will be free of the barriers that may have held you prisoner for so long. There is no need to settle for mediocrity. Most average people give up as soon as things get tough and then they complain that they never got what they wanted.
May you become the person everyone goes to if they want something handled that is too hard …. and may you begin with you!
… and light, Christina