EFT & Health


  • Discover the Power of Energy Psychology and the ‘Energy Freedom Technique’
  • Learn tapping techniques for promoting good health.
  • Written by certified Energy Psychologist and certified EFT Practicioner
  • Perfect starter kit for anyone interested in tapping and EFT
  • Instant download send right after purchase on site, buy our eBook today!


It is commonly accepted now by most health professionals that our emotions can create a wide variety of psychosomatic illnesses and symptoms. Unresolved disruptions in our body’s energy field cause malfunctioning in our organs and systems. This usually occurs when the negative emotion’s energy field affects the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which in turn control all the other systems of the body through hormonal and electronic messages.

When dealing with health issues, you may need to employ EFT on energy field of the symptoms such as pain, tiredness, numbness or weakness etc.

On any emotions, which you believe may be creating the problem or which come to the surface while you are working on the physical problem.

On the actual physical causes of the symptoms at a deeper level.

On any resistance you feel towards living your life in a healthy way such as:

  • Eating properly
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Performing relaxation techniques.
  • Positive projection techniques.
  • Anything else, which might improve our health.

On any difficulties in communicating your needs and feelings. (These unexpressed feelings or unfulfilled needs may contribute to the problem.)

We will also be employing EFT statements for all of the above and any forms of anxiety, which distort your energy, field in general. We will also be tapping on any forms of resistance which may make you subconsciously not want to be well.