Welcome to Eudaimonia Center

From of all of us here, thank you for enrolling in our course. We are honored and delighted to walk with you on your journey. Below is a detailed breakdown of our course objectives, info on how to navigate through lessons and community calls, and tips to help you get the most out of your experience with us.

Detailed Course Instructions

Mind is the Map Course …. A Pathway to a Happier, Healthier and More Harmonious Life

Self-Discovery and Self-Realization

As you set out to discover your unique true essence, you will in all probability discover qualities and talents that you never knew existed. Alignment with your true self, becoming the person you were always intended to be, brings a deep sense of fulfillment which extends to all aspects of life. In our everyday life it means that we eventually create the life pattern which best expresses what we have to offer. Unfulfilled people are restless and bored at home and at work, and with life in general, sometimes destructive and usually unhappy. Ego satisfaction is never more than temporary. It is always illusionary. The true self is the source of creativity, individual expression and uniqueness.

Self discovery has often been likened to peeling back the layers of an onion. However, even though this image reminds us that we are indeed composed of many layers; the image is misleading for it suggests that our discoveries bring us the realisation of an ever-diminishing self. In reality it is perhaps more helpful to identify the starting point of the journey as the heart of the onion. As consciousness expands, we become aware of successive layers beyond our original conception. As we grasp the reality of each new layer, we have to re-evaluate our sense of wholeness. For what was once perceived as complete is in the light of an expanded consciousness is perceived to be partial.

The expansion of consciousness brings an expression in all areas of being. We become more conscious of our feelings and more able to empathise with others. As we become more conscious of our own thinking, we become increasingly less victimised by idle mental activity. As we become more aware of our conditioning and programming, we are able to transform these old belief systems to new conscious beliefs; ones that heal our old wounds and ones that serve us better. As the self as a whole develops, the impulse towards creativity becomes inescapable. In time we are quite transformed as a new happier, healthier self emerges.

The image that we hold of self is central to our belief system. When we hold a ridged inflexible image of self, we invariably hold a closed and restricted view of the greater whole. When we come to an open and expanding view of ourselves, we perceive ourselves in a fluid expansive relationship with the greater whole. The philosophical view that we take about the nature of our own being will directly influence actions, behaviour, attitudes and relationships.

We cherish many illusions believing both the reality of ‘self’ to be stable and constant and based in physicality. This attitude is comforting and reassuring but it is not correct. Matter is built from a sub-atomic base which is energy in constant movement. We too share a material nature however; we are more than flesh and blood. The quest for yourself will ultimately reveal this in a way that is meaningful to you personally.
Meanwhile, Dimitri and I celebrate you for taking up the search for self with a good heart and may you have many profound and beautiful realizations as you journey. We wish all of you success in your inner search and also in your effort to support others in this process.

Program Objectives:

This course provides the supplemental material and exercises, directly related to our book, The Mind is the Map. For the purposes of this course, the book has been separated into four levels for easier experiential learning.
Each course level is four weeks in length, and covers material from three chapters of the book and includes a community call with the authors to answer any questions pertaining to the lessons and to support the participants.

SO MUCH of living a full and happy life is about knowing ourselves.

And both the forming and the breaking of patterns is a lifelong learning practice. Upon examining the nature of our patterns, we need to discern the healthy ones—those that we practice mindfully from the unhealthy ones of our habitual routines. What we can do is soften our habitual routines back into mindful and meaningful practices.


As we escort you through this unique experience, you will come to understand why The Mind is the Map and how The Writing on Our Walls actually echoes into your world creating your current reality. You will have many opportunities to examine the various areas of your life, from work and career, to your relationships with yourself and others. As you progress through the chapters, you will learn more about yourself and you will have many opportunities to learn how to work with your own experiences, your relationships with others, your emotions, and your behavioral patterns.

Each week we will guide you on your personal self-discovery process and explain how these discoveries affect your life experiences. You will learn to use new tools that can empower you to lead fulfilling personal and professional lives. The lessons have been written in order by the processes and we recommend you proceed in the order they have been presented. There is an exercise at the end of each lesson and we encourage you to spend time reflecting with these sections. You may share your lessons with us for feedback or assistance or you may keep them private, that is up to you.

We will guide you to understand your often-hidden belief systems and how they came to be written on your walls. You will learn how this writing affects your choices and your experiences, causing you to repeat the same patterns in your life, over and over again. This is a natural progressive function of this course and will serve to launch you beyond your “limits” and free any limitations for you.


Class Sessions:
Upon logging in you will be taken to your own private and secure member page. Your weekly lessons will be available to you on your member page. Once you check completed on one lesson your next lesson will become available to you. You will have access to 3 weekly lessons a month and one community call with our team and you will receive reminders and links to this call. This community call is a place for members and mentors to exchange questions and answers and to share experiences related to the course material covered during the weekly lessons. You are free to complete your lessons at your own speed and the community call audio recordings will be posted in the Member Group and will available for you 30 days.

Member Community:

We encourage our community members to participate in our Member Group. Consider making a post to this member discussion group describing yourself and inviting others to contact you. Listen for voices of people on the community calls who appeal to you and reach out to them with an invitation to connect.

Connecting with others in the program allows you to practice coaching and be coached using a buddy coach. Buddy arrangements can be made by the members and as time goes on you might consider contacting others for additional buddy arrangements or group sessions. We suggest that at any given time, you have at least one buddy and meet at least once a week for mutual practice.

A format that works well is to take turns coaching each other during a weekly one-hour call. We encourage you to use your connections with your buddies to full advantage by bringing your real issues to be coached on and by being open to feedback from your buddies about your coaching.

Making the Most of The Course

Laser Coaching Sessions:
This is your opportunity to be coached privately by either Christina or Dimitri on topics of concern to you personally. We use the term Laser Coaching to signify that the sessions are short – approximately 20 minutes. The Laser Coaching Session are available to members only at a reduced cost of $60/hr. We require 48 hours’ notice with prepayment for these sessions. You can book these sessions via the booking calendar on the member pages choosing one of the times slots that are available.

You may bring any issue related to the course material that you would like coaching on to the Laser Session. You may also bring any questions or concerns you have about the exercises provided in the course. Before you call into the session, you’ll want to have your questions or issue ready for discussion.

Getting Started:

Familiarize yourself with what’s available. Review this document from time to time. A number of supporting documents will also be posted in the resource section for members only. Additional support documents and videos will be added during the course of this program.

Decide to always ask questions about anything you aren’t clear on. The best way to do this is by making posts to the member program discussion group. Chances are if you aren’t clear about something, others aren’t also. You’ll likely help someone else out by posting your questions to this forum. Your questions will be reviewed and answered by one of our facilitators.

Take full responsibility for your own learning. The program is rich in resources for you to pick and choose from. The Program Objectives are listed below along with suggestions of how to meet them. These objectives are also posted in your member resource pages. It’s a good idea to dedicate several hours per week beyond class time to mastering the skills.

Be relentless, and yet patient in working on yourself using the techniques and processes outlined in the course material. Use a mindset of curiosity and compassion as you move through this program. Commit to using your time in this program to become clear of your beliefs, patterns, and habitual behaviors as much as you possibly can. The average person does a minimum of at least an hour of work per day using the techniques and processes on themselves before they start feeling consistently “free‟ of their behavioral conditioning.

Connect with as many others in the program as you can. We have a saying – “The person who connects the most – wins!” Reaching out to others for help, support, and connection will bring you opportunities that you will never have if you go through the program alone.

Take full advantage of the buddy system. Even if you feel timid about your discovery and self-realization skills, there will be incredible benefits to you connecting with others in mutually beneficial buddy arrangements. Many people who have gone through this program cite the support, coaching and learning during buddy calls to be the most important part of their progress. A few people have had as many as 5 or 6 buddy ongoing arrangements! Others have initiated a weekly meeting with a group of their peers to practice coaching each other. Feel free to issue an invitation in the member group to others to do something similar.

Participate fully and actively in the lessons and in the community calls. Those who progress the fastest are those who stick their necks out – to ask questions, be coached, or try coaching – even though their knees are knocking. We encourage you to speak up in learning situations in ways that feel risky to you.

Use your new tools and processes with as many experiences and with as many people as possible. You can’t learn to drive a car by observing others doing it, and you won’t master anything through observation either. These lessons are designed to give you experiential wisdom so get in the driver’s seat, make mistakes, share them with your peers and mentors here… and learn from them. We suggest you do at least 3 lessons, one community call and at least one buddy sessions a week to get the most from this program.

Refer back to the Program Objectives often. Print off the evaluation form that’s posted in the member resource section and regularly evaluate your progress so you can discern what areas you need to work on. Occasionally, pull out these objectives with your buddies and give each other feedback on how you see each other doing with each of them.

In closing, we want you to know that this is a place where you are appreciated, treasured, seen, and loved for who you are. We encourage you to express your needs and anything our facilitators can do to help you develop these skills to a level of mastery. We value your feedback knowing that our offerings are only as good as those who are using them. Let us hear from you.

NOTE: We suggest that you review the FAQs link for any other questions you might have. If your question/answer is not there you can connect with us at: info@eudaimoniacenter.com