As you set out to discovery your unique true essence, you will in all probability discover qualities and talents that you never knew existed. Alignment with your true self, becoming the person you were always intended to be, brings a deep sense of fulfillment which extends to all aspects of life. In our everyday life it means that we eventually create the life pattern which best expresses what we have to offer. Unfulfilled people are restless and bored at home and at work, and with life in general, sometimes destructive and usually unhappy. Ego satisfaction is never more than temporary. It is always illusionary. The true self is the source of creativity, individual expression and uniqueness.

Discovery in who you are has often been likened to peeling back the layers of an onion. However, even though this image reminds us that we are indeed composed of many layers; the image is misleading for it suggests that our discoveries bring us the realization of an ever-diminishing self. In reality it is perhaps more helpful to identify the starting point of the journey as the heart of the onion. As consciousness expands, we become aware of successive layers beyond our original conception. As we grasp the reality of each new layer, we have to re-evaluate our sense of wholeness. For what was once perceived as complete is in the light of an expanded consciousness perceived to be partial.

The expansion of consciousness brings an expression in all areas of being. We become more conscious of our feelings and more able to empathize with others. As we become more conscious of our own thinking, we become increasingly less victimized by idle mental activity. As we become more aware of our conditioning and programming, we are able to transform these old belief systems to new conscious beliefs; ones that heal our old wounds and ones that serve us better. As the self as a whole develops, the impulse towards creativity becomes inescapable. In time we are quite transformed as a new happier, healthier self emerges.

The image that we hold of self is central to our belief system. When we hold a ridged inflexible image of self, we invariably hold a closed and restricted view of the greater whole. When we come to an open and expanding view of ourselves, we perceive ourselves in a fluid expansive relationship with the greater whole. The philosophical view that we take about the nature of our own being will directly influence actions, behavior, attitudes and relationships.

We cherish many illusions believing both the reality of ‘self’ to be stable and constant and based in physicality. This attitude is comforting and reassuring but it is not correct. Matter is built from a sub-atomic base which is energy in constant movement. We too share a material nature however; we are more than flesh and blood. The quest for yourself will ultimately reveal this in a way that is meaningful to you personally.

Meanwhile, Dimitri and I celebrate you for taking up the search for self with a good heart and may you have many profound and beautiful realizations as you journey. We wish all of you success in your inner search and also in your effort to support others in this process.

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