The Greatest Teacher is Within You

Life coaching includes a great deal of active listening, it’s not solving anyone’s problems or eradicating anyone’s pain. As life coaches we can only guide you to see things from a different perspective. We cannot fix you … it is you that has to do the work and we provide you with the tools to do so. So, working with a life coach feels more like working with a knowledgeable, experienced and amazing friend who is able to hold a loving space while guiding you through your life experiences.
You can be this great friend to yourself! Practice active listening to your own critical voice and monitoring your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Become your own witness to the process and remain curious.
Active listening is about holding a loving space and allowing ourselves and others to express. When we or the other has finished with the stomp and rant, we can move on and make a conscious choice to let go and come back to our center. It helps to meditated on this question….
Intention and Goals.

What is Intention?
When you wake up, are you excited to start your day?
Do you wake up with a sense of purpose?
Do you have a vision that makes you feel energized?
For many of us this is not the case and yet something inside of us knows that it is possible. You might feel that you are going to do great things, but you just haven’t been able to figure it out yet, or live it consistently.
Unity and Unconditional Love

We all desire to be loved – and if possible – unconditionally. We need to feel that others accept us, respect us, admire us and love us. When we feel that others do not love or respect us, we feel pain, rejection, loss of self-esteem and even insecure and fearful – in other words – unhappy.
Deep down inside in the core of our being, we equally need to feel love for others. When we do not experience love for others, we do not feel connected to them. We feel separate, lonely, alienated and sometimes fearful.
Creating Reality Through Attraction and Mirroring

This is the third in series of posts to ponder some ideas and concepts that I have made reference to some earlier writings. The language may be new to some of you.
A contributing factor to our personal reality is how we actually attract or create the events that occur in our lives – what actually happens to us. There are three popular beliefs about this.
Beyond Time and Space

This is the second in series of posts to ponder some ideas and concepts that I have made reference to some earlier writings. The language may be new to some of you.
Beyond Time and Space
Quantum physics explains to us that time and space, as we perceive them, are not real but a matter of perception. We are forced to abandon the concepts of space and time when we seek to explain the fact that in laboratories in the USA one particle can appear in more than one place at the same moment. In one experiment a particle appeared in 3000 places simultaneously. We need to let go of the concepts of space and time when we need to explain why, if we alter the state of one particle, that another particle with which it seems to have a “relationship” is affected simultaneously thousands of miles away.
Love, Understanding, Responsibility and Peace.

In many of my posts I have made reference to some language that may be new to some of you. In this next series of posts let us ponder these ideas and concepts.
Our Collective Unconscious
We have many common emotions, beliefs and modes of functioning as hypothesized by Carl Jung in his theory of the Collective Unconscious. We share many programming’s, fears, emotions and desires. It may just be that we are all affected by each other’s subconscious. Many experiments today are showing that we can be affected by what others are feeling, even though consciously we are not aware of what is happening. This is especially true of people with whom we are closely emotionally connected.

Life is beautiful and unique but at times difficult and hurtful. We go through harsh and painful situations, at times wrongs are done to us, and we are left with a taste of bitterness, feelings of pain, anger, hurt, sadness and even a sense of injustice.
Forgiveness is a basic prerequisite for freeing ourselves from past experiences and its stranglehold on us. As long as we resist forgiving others for mistakes or actions of the past, we are bound to that past. When we do not forgive others, we ourselves suffer from the negative consequences those negative emotions have on our body and mind. The same is true concerning not forgiving ourselves.
Feelings of being a victim, which sometimes lead to disillusionment, anger and resentment, have a very powerful effect on our nervous, endocrine and immune systems. When such feelings also lead to feelings of weakness, helplessness and hopelessness, then our defense system is even more seriously weakened.
The Principle of Patterns

Many of our patterns primarily address the habits we consider dysfunctional, negative or destructive … the patterns we wish to change. The principle of patterns is important for anyone who tends to break resolutions repeatedly or who has as patterns of incompleteness or repeated failures (such as three or four marriages or quitting smoking 5 times). Any pattern tends to repeat itself until we closely examine what’s going on and intervene and break the pattern by doing something else. This principle highlights our conditioned habits and tendencies and helps us take responsibility for them … not by endless struggling against old habits, but by doing something different.
Manifesting from the Soul at Breakthrough Levels

Ever wonder if “you’re not suppose to have this or that, or perhaps God or your higher self does not want you to have that?” Or maybe you think, “it’s better just to let God decide what you should have? So perhaps, you really shouldn’t ask for anything?”
Why would you not deserve a wonderful and abundant reality? Why are you creating such a reality for yourself? There is also no reason, Christ spoke about this when he said, “What Father would give stones to his children who are asking for food.”
We are all divine beings and we project our consciousness into these temporary illusions. Each of us is worthy of all the good of this world. In fact, we are creating our reality in cooperation with the Divine and our fellow beings. Having stated this, another truth is that we are here to learn to create ever more positive realities that simulate the harmony, abundance and love, in Oneness with all that is.
Acceptance of What Is

… Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?
NO, the truth is that we always take ourselves with us; even over the fence! Each of us create our own reality and we are all creating realities which offer us the most opportunities for personal growth.
For example, when we are unhappy, sometimes, we feel we would be happier living in a different place, in a different job, or a different relationship. Other times, we envy others for what they have or their good health or other life factors. The truth is that we are forgetting that we and they are the sole creators of our realities.
When living within our created reality, there is a distinction between who we are and our life changing experiences. For one, we need to realize that we are a constant immutable unchanging essence we call our Higher Self. It is this higher Self that pays witness to our life changing events and experiences. Even though, we create our reality, it is important to understand, that we are not the stories we tell ourselves. Our self-worth and security are not dependent on the aspects of our stories or how they change in our lives.