Creating Reality Through Attraction and Mirroring

This is the third in series of posts to ponder some ideas and concepts that I have made reference to some earlier writings. The language may be new to some of you.
A contributing factor to our personal reality is how we actually attract or create the events that occur in our lives – what actually happens to us. There are three popular beliefs about this.
1. There are no laws. All happens and exists by chance. Creation is an accident with no reason or purpose.
2. There is a Divine being that creates and controls all that happens in our lives.
3. We ourselves are the creators of what happens to us, by our previous and present actions and choices.
Let us look at each possible answer in more detail.
It is difficult to belief that there is no cause, reason or laws governing creation when the sciences of physics, chemistry and biology present us with a magnificent image of order, intelligence, interdependency and innate wisdom. The existence of an intelligent consciousness behind the phenomena we observe is more than obvious.
Although it seems to be true on some levels that an unperceivable divine power is responsible for much of what happens, there seem to be other factors involved in the creation of our personal reality, including free will and our own personal efforts or lack of effort. Or perhaps we could explain it in another way. Divine will can create our lives to the degree that we do not interfere or resist.
The problem with the perception that all is created by a divine being and that we have no participation in the creation of our reality is that we have difficulty in perceiving a sense of justice or responsibility regarding what happens. Why are some born without sight or hearing or the use of their limbs or into families that abuse and emotionally damage them for life? Why do some die after a few years and others live long lives? Why do some lose their loved ones and others not. Why do some good people who make good efforts get unfortunate results?
We ourselves are the creators of our reality seems to explain a larger more encompassing portion of the reality we perceive. This explanation becomes even more understandable when we remove the illusion of separation between us as individual expressions of the divine and divinity itself. When we perceive ourselves as temporary expressions of divine consciousness or divine energy in the physical realm, it becomes clear that we are all individually and collectively creating our personal and social reality.
We are creating and forming our reality. We do so in various ways.
1. The past. Our previous thoughts, actions, choices, feelings and words all a have causal impact on our present reality. This concept is accepted by all religions and spiritual philosophies. Not all may believe in reincarnation but all do believe in cause and effect. Our choices to care for ourselves or not, to communicate sincerely and honestly or not, to help and love others or not, to free ourselves from fears or not, all have their effect on our present reality.
2. The present. Our present thoughts, beliefs, expectations, fears, guilt and other emotions and behaviors all create our present reality through the “laws of reflection and attraction”. Others and life itself reflect back to us the content of our mind and behavior on all levels. If we reject ourselves, fear or expect rejection, or reject others, we attract rejection. If we think, speak or act antagonistically or egotistically, we attract the same. Basically, we attract whatever we fear, love, desire and hate as well as what we expect and what we do.
Life wisely mirrors back to us our own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, roles and behaviors, offering us an opportunity to look inward and let go of those aspects of ourselves that are attracting what is unpleasant for us. In such cases, our lessons are to discover what is being reflected and transform it. Otherwise we will continue to attract our present reality. This is what we need to clean in order to heal what we are co-creating.
It is important to understand that the power and opportunity for positive change is in the present and no where else. We cannot change the past – but we can change our perception of the past – and thus its effect upon us, in the present. We do not know the future, but can form it by our choices in the now moment.
Some people accept negative realities believing that it is some “karma” that they have to suffer. There is no benefit from suffering or being punished if we do not learn something from the experience and if it does not initiate change. The concept that we must suffer for past mistakes has no value if that pain does not become an opportunity for growth.
3. Our soul choices. The third factor that determines the nature of the events occurring in our lives is our “soul choices”. We as souls chose even before birth that we would like to or need to learn certain lessons as a part of our evolutionary process. If we have chosen to learn self-acceptance, we will naturally “make a contract” with those close to us to test our ability to feel our self-worth even in the face of disapproval or rejection. If we have decided to learn unconditional love or forgiveness, we will logically choose close contact with persons who will be difficult for us to love. In this way we have the opportunity to overcome our fears and love even those persons. If we would like to learn self-dependency, we will set up a life drama in which we will not easily find support from others. We also have the free will to resist learning any of those lessons.
Through the use of Energy Psychology techniques we can set ourselves free and release those past patterns, beliefs and roles that test us. They no longer serve us because we have learned the lessons. We can remain fully present and take responsibility for our reality while loving ourselves and others unconditionally.
…Love and light, Christina