Intention and Goals.

What is Intention?
When you wake up, are you excited to start your day?
Do you wake up with a sense of purpose?
Do you have a vision that makes you feel energized?
For many of us this is not the case and yet something inside of us knows that it is possible. You might feel that you are going to do great things, but you just haven’t been able to figure it out yet, or live it consistently.
An intention exists for every thought and every action. It’s a given. There’s no question whether or not an intention exists; the question is, what is the intention? When you know what the intention is, that knowledge alone activates the power of intention.
You might even consider that an intention is the thought behind a thought, or the thought that powers a thought. It can be very enlightening and powerful to bring your intention to the surface after an event. It is even more enlightening and powerful to create a positive intention before an event so that the identified intention guides you in more empowering actions.
If you set a positive intention that you be “open and appreciative” in a certain situation, you have directed yourself to be in a particular consciousness. This good intention suggests certain actions; however, no specific actions are necessary in order to be in a particular consciousness or attitude. Actions follow intention naturally. And actions follow intention, whether you’re aware of the intention or not. With that in mind, you can empower yourself when you develop positive and good intentions so that positive and empowering actions follow.
So, what is the Goal really?
Well, the goal is what you can choose. A lot of people get hung up on “Well, what’s my purpose? You know my destiny; as if there is only one thing and they’ve got to figure it out. That thinking holds up a lot of people because they don’t want to start on a goal unless they think it’s the right one. This thinking comes from the “Writing on Your Walls”. The goal is more about saying “what do you want your goal to be truly? What are you really passionate about? How can I move down that road and how can I create this goal for myself?
We have not been taught to follow our passions for the most part although certainly some people have and that’s awesome; but we’re really not taught to follow our passions. We are taught to follow a responsible route. To go to school, study, graduate with this, and then to go get this kind of job, work hard for many years and then you get to play.
WE Can Be Driven to Discover, Explore and Change
Constraints that might otherwise have limited our learning potential may mean little to us today as we explore our options. The media reports we get from around the globe are likely to inspire curious and controversial moods, we may find our self lost in the amount of information and even some disinformation.
If we feel we should avoid such topics, that might be considered a push-back to consider that our ability to expand our personal boundaries may hinge on our willingness to reach beyond the borders of our comfort zone. Allow that which intrigues us to be our guide. We likely will not agree with every piece of information we encounter, but our overall view of the world can change as a result of our willingness to think critically about it.
The strength of our curiosity will help us to overcome the misgivings we frequently experience when we encounter beliefs and opinions that differ markedly from our own. Concepts that we never knew existed can frighten us because they challenge the individual worldviews we have established.
However, when we look past the discomfort we initially feel and allow our general love of knowledge and learning to guide us forward, we find that we can explore even the most anything with a clear head and an open heart. Though we may not choose to integrate the information we unearth into our own value systems, we can nonetheless explore the worth of such knowledge within the context in which it has proven significant. We can encourage our self not to hesitate to expose our self to unconventional opinions and beliefs, however difficult they may be for us to grasp.
Any great man or woman who ever created or achieved anything in life did so because they first had a vision, a mere fantasy, in their mind of what could be. A goal or a vision is the foundation to any creation. And still there some who have lost the will to dream, the courage to write down their goals. Because the truth is: we never really stop dreaming.
We never stop yearning for something more. It’s part of the human experience. But we quiet our dreams with all the reasons why it’s not possible. We might get angry or frustrated with our dreams because they remind us of a reality that we are dissatisfied with.
For me personally, I learned to be persistent and resourceful when facing challenges. I used Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) to also overcome a lot of self-imposed barriers that I had been creating for myself. This is what I always used to reach my goals; It’s what I continue to do, and I can promise you that it’s going to work for you if you really implement this.
The truth is that any obstacle is a self-imposed barrier. For example; the brain does not know the difference between reality and imagination. So, when we take something that happens to us in life and we make it mean something; we make it an example of why we can’t instead of a reason for why we’d like to accomplish something.
At Eudiamonia Center we have a team of professional Energy Psychology practitioners specializing in EFT to help get you started with this process, with this journey, and, this way of looking at goals. Let us help make following your dreams exciting again. Let’s tap into an energy that propels us forward instead of always feeling like we are pushing against something.
And remember that living life from a place of “the wonder of uncertainty” is a stepping stone on the path to change.
….love and light, Christina