Manifesting from the Soul at Breakthrough Levels

Ever wonder if “you’re not suppose to have this or that, or perhaps God or your higher self does not want you to have that?” Or maybe you think, “it’s better just to let God decide what you should have? So perhaps, you really shouldn’t ask for anything?”
Why would you not deserve a wonderful and abundant reality? Why are you creating such a reality for yourself? There is also no reason, Christ spoke about this when he said, “What Father would give stones to his children who are asking for food.”
We are all divine beings and we project our consciousness into these temporary illusions. Each of us is worthy of all the good of this world. In fact, we are creating our reality in cooperation with the Divine and our fellow beings. Having stated this, another truth is that we are here to learn to create ever more positive realities that simulate the harmony, abundance and love, in Oneness with all that is.
Are Your Life Lessons Obstacles to Manifesting?
The only obstacles towards our manifesting something that we desire, are those we as souls may have chosen before our birth and even during our lives. As souls we may have chosen to learn certain inner lessons by not being able to satisfy some needs externally. If in fact, as souls, we have made such a decision, we may actually internally obstruct the manifestation of a goal. We may need to learn to feel security, self-worth, freedom, happiness and love for others and ourselves without that which we believe we must have. In other words, we need to let go of our attachment to and dependence on what we are seeking to create before we can create it.
Although, it is true that experiencing positive feelings about what we seek to manifest is essential to attracting it. It is also true, that if we are experiencing fear, we will not be able to create what we want. For example, if we fear that we cannot be well until we do, this is a self-canceling energy that may obstruct what we want to manifest.
When we are attached in this way, we experience a wide variety of negative emotions such as:
1. Fear that we will not be able to get what we want.
2. Fear that even if we have it, we might lose it or someone take it from us.
3. Failure, self-rejection, shame and helplessness if we do not create it.
4. Jealousy and envy towards those who have what we want
5. Anger towards those who we feel are obstructing us from what we want.
Above and beyond all that we seek to create, our ultimate life purpose is to realize our own inner self-worth, security, peace, freedom, happiness and fulfillment.
Those who have made such a “soul decision” will have placed an obstacle to receiving external affirmation until they no longer need it in order to love themselves and others and live happy and creative lives. Once this lesson is learned, the obstruction can be removed using Energy Psychology techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). When we are free from the dependency, we can receive unlimited love, affirmation and even admiration; the obstacle is gone, and the lesson is complete.
Some may have established a similar obstruction concerning money or material abundance or perhaps concerning support from others. Our soul decision may be to live without money until we can feel secure, peaceful, worthy and happy without it. Once we have learned the lesson, that the obstacle is removed.
Lessons of Attachments and Needs
What can we possibly gain by having all that we want materially? It simply increases the illusion that we cannot be well without all that and we never have a chance to experience our true spiritual greatness. All of these external objects and situations will then only serve to increase our ignorance. As strange as it might seem, manifesting is much easier doing what we love and enjoy; when knowing that we are worthy, safe and happy without it.
The solution then, is to upgrade all attachments and addictions that are characterized by fear to preferences. A preference is something we want and give our energy to creating, but also know that we are and can be well without it. For example, we choose to be with someone because we love and enjoy them, not because we have the illusion that we cannot feel worthy, secure or happy without them.
The most effective means for moving past the obstacles, is to experience our own inner power, security, self-worth, happiness and fulfillment. Then, by simultaneously visualizing our preferred reality and experiencing all the energy associated with these positive emotions, that will become our new reality.
The Space from Which All Manifests
The field of all possibilities, of all of creation comes forth from the “quantum field” or the “field of pure consciousness”. All that exists comes forth from pure consciousness, which forms into energy and then becomes matter and its various interactions.
This means, you can enhance your creative power by initiating a daily practice of experiencing that formless and thought-free part of your existence. You can do this through meditation, where you allow your thoughts to slow down. Focus on your breathing or some positive value. Then turn your focus on the space or emptiness between your thoughts. Become aware of the silence; however small it might be. This space when one thought has ended and before the next one comes into your mind is the field of possibilities. With practice you can learn to expand that space and experience pure consciousness without thoughts.
This is the space from which all becomes manifest. When you visualize what you seek to manifest from this state, your thought power is much greater. Imagine the difference between painting upon a canvas that is already painted on and one that is blank. Rather than visualize your preferred reality projected on an old limited one, learn to visualize your reality onto pure consciousness, which has no pre-existing states or limits.
Manifesting Anything Begins by Cultivating Happiness
Our perception of Abundance needs to expand and it is dependent on our degree of Happiness. Many, measure their abundance exclusively by how much money and possessions they have. These may to some degree contribute to our abundance but equally important is our happiness.
On a scale from 0 to 10, How Happy are you? Perhaps, it is time to re-set your priorities, and your schedule. Time to re-arrange your life so that you have ample opportunities to enjoy peaceful and happy moments. Do you leave time and space to laugh, sing, dance and share with loved ones? Enjoying times of sharing with your family and friends could mean eating together, singing, dancing, telling jokes and stories, watching comedies on TV, walking in nature, etc.
Happiness also asks you, if are you enjoying time alone. Are you reading, listening to music, resting, walking, meditating, exercising, painting, writing, or any other enjoyable activity that appeals to you? It is a choice to schedule Happiness into our lives! Years ago, I was a workaholic, it was my drug of choice and I was addicted!
One thing I have learned is to slow down and live lightly. I began to seek opportunities outside of my working day and schedule joy and happiness into my daily routines. I discovered the biggest part of the success of manifestation, was learning to be happy in all situations. After some time, Happiness becomes the new habit and you will attract much more from the universe than you will with sadness, anxiety, or fear.
…. Love and Light Christina
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