The Mind is the Map


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Many of us are unaware of the hidden mechanism within us that creates unhappiness, difficulty changing habits, relationship problems, frustration, anger and disappointment, even though it’s happening all the time, in all of us. It’s the stories we tell ourselves and we do it all day long not truly knowing that we are doing it. We relay these stories about what’s happening in our lives, with other people, our families, and more.

Our stories are a narrative based on our unique programming, which may or may not have been based on “the truths” within us. What seems like our truth is often merely our perspective of the experience, or the facts as we see them. Not false, but not necessarily the entire truth — just one perspective. So often it’s what we’ve done before and it just goes back to that same old pattern.

Becoming aware of the programs running the stories we tell ourselves, helps us understand how they shape our happiness, relationships, moods, etc. For example:

We have all jumped to conclusions without having all of the information.
We have all searched for answers only feeling more frustrated and anxious.
Our relationships suffer from false assumptions and conclusions.

We can help! The Mind is the Map provides a clear understanding of the mechanisms of the mind and offers a step-by-step process that will help you to notice what you belief about what you are telling yourself about everything. Learn how and why in many ways the stories we tell ourselves are hand-me-down beliefs at best and how this “writing on our wall” is the major source of our physical and mental suffering. Our mind is like a pot of boiling water that is heated by the fires of life.  Learn how to remove all judgments, opinions and preconceived notions from our thinking and set our mind free from our fears, preferences, prejudices, dependencies, conditioning, and habitual thought patterns. You can replace these thoughts with more positive ones and do so on a regular basis.

To live freely, we need to live intelligently, untangling our self from who we think we are. Join us on our journey as we show you how!

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