Unity and Unconditional Love

We all desire to be loved – and if possible – unconditionally. We need to feel that others accept us, respect us, admire us and love us. When we feel that others do not love or respect us, we feel pain, rejection, loss of self-esteem and even insecure and fearful – in other words – unhappy.
Deep down inside in the core of our being, we equally need to feel love for others. When we do not experience love for others, we do not feel connected to them. We feel separate, lonely, alienated and sometimes fearful.
Why Does Love Have this Effect on Us?
Our true nature is in fact love, peace, wisdom, selflessness and all other higher human qualities. We consider these values important and absolute, because in fact they are our true inner nature. For example, we seek peace and do not like the opposite of peace, because we are actually peace – within. We consider justice and equality and unity to be absolute values because they express our highest nature which is already a reality in the core of our being, but not yet a reality in our mind, words, emotions and actions.
Love aligns us with our Higher Self.
Love may begin as a feeling of attraction, but eventually becomes a state of identification and unity. On the emotional level it is the basis for positive and healthy energy exchange between humans and beings of all types. When we are loved or feel love, we experience an energy connection that relaxes, rejuvenates, affirms and heals us allowing us greater access to our true spiritual and magnificent inner being.
It breeds compassion, understanding, forgiveness, selflessness, courage, healthy love-based-sacrifice and ultimately transcendence of our mental and emotional limitations, allowing us to overcome programming’s and fear. Love is released from within freeing us from ignorance and it allows us to experience our true spiritual self. The opposite of love is not anger nor hate, but rather ignorance and fear.
If we examine the moments that we lose our love, we will find that we are being controlled by attachment and fear. We do not need to learn to love, but rather remember to love. We simply need to remove the fear, attachment and ignorance that prevent us from experiencing the love that is already there within us.
Real freedom has nothing to do with being able to do whatever we want in every moment so that we can have what we want to be happy. Real freedom is not to make others do what we want them to do in order to satisfy our needs. Real freedom is the freedom to be happy and feel love regardless of whatever happens and whatever others might do.
Set Yourself Free to Love using Energy Psychology
There are a number of energy psychology techniques, that can remove any obstacles towards loving ourselves and others and realign us to the love that we already are. For example, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) allows us to free ourselves from the feelings of pride or guilt when we are able or unable to love. It is not a matter of good or bad, but rather a matter of ignorance and wisdom, a matter of bondage being stuck in our programming of false perception and fear. The emotions affiliated with non-love are simply negative energy fields held within our body and we can set ourselves free.
Our tensions are based on the illusion of our separateness and our inability to be natural and relaxed with another. EFT breaks down those feelings and we find ourselves sharing and expressing aspects of ourselves that we fear letting others see. It is important for us to be able to share all aspects of ourselves with at least one other person. This also allows us to feel both worthy and secure creating a feeling of Unity and Peace.
Love is the highest aspects of our being. It is the source of greater creativity and humane works around the world. Our love for others inspires us to perceive and manifest ways of helping others live happier and more fulfilled lives. Love creates selfless actions and works. May we all have as much understanding and love towards ourselves as we do towards others. These are interdependent. We are all blessed by love….it is who we truly are.
…. Love and Light, Christina